Coaching Supervision
Supervision is a learning partnership between a qualified Supervisor and a Coach. Its objective is to achieve positive, substantive, and long-term effectiveness for the coach. In turn, the insights and skills learned in supervision will impact the clients’ and the organizations’ performance and ultimately, the coaching profession. The partnership is one of trust, exploration, renewal, and courage.
In this emerging field of coaching supervision, the coach arranges to meet with another coach for their own benefit or to discuss their work. Coach supervision is not evaluative or directive as the term ‘supervision’ may imply.
Coach supervision consists of meetings either by phone, Skype or in-person. Occurring every 4-8 weeks, depending on one’s coaching workload, supervision provides:
Clarity and rigor about confidentiality, contracting, boundaries, and ethical issues
Time for reflection on one’s coaching presence, process, and techniques
Exploration of different perspectives and new ideas
Validation and support
Challenge of assumptions and habits of one’s coaching practice
Attention to the leadership system, organizational, and cultural aspects of coaching
Expansion of one’s range, capabilities, skills, and confidence
New self-awareness, renewal, and personal development
Increased quality of one’s work; maximizing of coaching engagements
The potential of increased quantity of work as having a supervisor will differentiate you from other coaches and serve as a selling point.
Deeper reflection and presence in coaching including the impact of the coaching work on one’s physical and mental wellbeing.
This process honors the ethics and develops the competencies outlined by the International Coach Federation (ICF), European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), and the Association of Coaching (AC).